2. The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce - Having to choose my favorite Tamora Pierce book is practically impossible but I have to always come back to the first ones I ever read.

4. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - There is almost nothing I like better than a great fairytale retelling. This has to be the most unique one I've ever come across. Cyborgs, evil people from the moon, a plague, kick-ass females, and some swoon worthy male characters, there is nothing about this series that I do not like.
5. Vicious by V.E. Schwab - I read this book in October and have been fighting the urge to reread this book since November. A great adult book about the blurred lines between what makes a hero and what makes a villain.
6. The Giver by Lois Lowry- Unlike most of my classmates I did not read this in sixth grade. I read it my junior year of college and immediately bought the next two books in the series because I could not get enough of this world. Who knew that such a short book could be a wonderful dystopian and have such an impact on me.

8. Cirque Du Freak: A Living Nightmare by Darren Shan - I've read the whole series all the way through probably 3 times but I especially love the first book and have read it separately when the urge rises.
9. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - I admit to thinking this book was only ok the first time I read it, but the more I reread it the better it gets in my opinion.
10. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - I never expected to love this book as much I did but the whimsical, crazy plot (or lack of plot) just called to me. The amount of Alice in Wonderland merchandise that I own is getting a little out of hand and I could do an entire post or two about it.
This was much harder than anticipated. I kept thinking of new books and tried to do a small honorable mentions section but that started to become longer and longer, until I just had to scrap it. Do any of these books make it on to your top 10 books/series list? Or are there any you can't stand or hate? I know a few of these Lizbeth hated or did not enjoy (*cough*CinderandVicious*Cough*).
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